A Davis
Vantage Pro2 weather
station is used in conjunction with an APRS station to report the weather at my
home QTH. The radio is an old Radio Shack HTX-242 mobile rig, connected to an
even older MFJ-1278 TNC. The weather station is monitored with
Weather Display software,
and APRS reporting is controlled using UI-View software. The antenna is a Cushcraft dual-band vertical.
Data is transmitted on the standard 144.390 simplex APRS frequency. Local digipeaters receive my signal and eventually report it to an internet server for worldwide access. WX Station KR7RK is also registered with the Citizens Weather Observer Program and has been assigned CWOP i.d. AR826. The frame below is from the "findu.com" servers, click here if it does not show properly to go directly to that site. Click here for a much more detailed report on the weather data monitored by the station, which is uploaded directly to the internet rather than through APRS.